Kuleba says NATO unlikely to help secure safe passage for agricultural shipments

Author: Sevgul Gasimzade
Published: 25.05.2022 14:05

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he saw no desire from NATO now to help secure safe passage of grains through the Black Sea, a crucial move as the world worries about food shortages and rising prices, Allmarinenews informs, citing Bloomberg.

"If NATO did not close the Ukrainian skies in the most tragic moments of the war, why should they dare to close the Ukrainian sea to allow the free passage of vessels with Ukrainian agricultural products," he said. "I would wholeheartedly welcome the decision, but I just don't see the stamina and the bravery to take all the risks associated with this operation."

The interruption of Ukraine's agricultural cycle risks a multi-year global food crisis, Kuleba told a breakfast organized by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in Davos, "but in the end, the problem is that you cannot trust Russia even if they sign papers guaranteeing safe passage."