Finland Blocks Helsinki Shipyard from Delivering Icebreaker to Russian Mining Company

Author: Sevgul Gasimzade
Published: 10.10.2022 10:34

The Finnish Government is blocking Helsinki Shipyard from delivering an icebreaker to Russian mining company Norilsk Nickel.

Allmarinews report The shipyard, which is known for its icebreaker construction, said Wednesday it had received a “negative decision” from Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 30th related to the export license of the vessel, confirming reports in Finnish press. The shipyard’s statement did not go into specifics.

Norilsk Nickel placed the order for the icebreaker in 2021 to be used for providing access to the Siberian Port of Dudinka in Russia’s Far North. Delivery was originally planned in 2024 in time for the 2025 winter season.

Designed by Aker Arctic, Helsinki Shipyard said the icebreaker was to be largest and most powerful diesel-electric icebreaker ever built in Finland, with an integrated dual-fuel engine that can run on both LNG and low-sulfur diesel oil.

Helsinki Shipyard in January said it had completed purchasing contracts for the vessel’s main machinery and propulsion equipment and construction was expected to start this year. However, Finnish media reports that construction has so far been on hold due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.